I awoke way too early this morning to the sound of my upstairs neighbor moving about her apartment in her high-heeled shoes. I lay there half boiling in fury, and half trying to calm down. This went on for about an hour before I decided to get up off the sofa where I'd spent the previous night and move to the bedroom. I keep a little box of Hearos earplugs near my bed, and they've really helped me in those times when my dear neighbor decides that she's going to put on her klompen and dance an Irish jig in the middle of the night. But I'm digressing.
As I lay in bed early this morning, ear plugs snugly tucked into my ears, I began to mull over something that I'd read the night before. In Soul Journeys
I know that I'm going across the room by way of India here, but bear with me.
As I lay there, focusing less on being disturbed (granted, with the help of the earplugs), and focusing more on being helped, I felt my body relaxing more and more deeply. Then I became aware of a tingling sensation in different points of my body at different times - sometimes it was my fingers, or my toes, or the left side of my chest. I also began to feel a slight warmth on my left side. After about an hour, I rolled on to my right side and went into a drowsy semi-sleep. That's when I noticed my body really starting to tingle. I also had the sensation that I was moving through a lighted train tunnel - whenever I passed a light, a wave of ... something would pass through me - something that I could feel and see and hear. It sounded like wind. I thought to myself, I must be having some kind of astral incident, but I haven't read Week One! What do I do? I decided to try to calm down and let whatever was happening happen.
I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was sitting in an office with Bob, the CEO of our company (this is the third time he's appeared in my dreams this week!). I didn't notice (or can't remember) what he was wearing this time, but we were sitting on opposite ends of a large wooden desk. I was preparing to teach a biology class, and I was discussing the lesson with him, and asking him for a syllabus of some kind (no, I'm not a teacher in real life). As I was leaving the office, one of the vice presidents was walking in with an I'm-about-to-get-fired-I-know-it look on her face. I walked off toward my desk which was near a window (there was light coming in) when I realized that I still had a pen that I'd picked up from the office, and that it was broken.
The dream scene changed. I was laying down on a low bed like a futon or something in semi-darkness - there was a subdued sunlight coming in from the other room. There was a red pillow under my head (or a pillow in a red pillowcase). My arms were hanging off the sides of the bed onto the carpeted floor, and there was a bunch of keys in my right hand. Three cats walked into the room - two adults, one white, one black, and a very frisky mottle-colored kitten. The adult black cat went under the bed and was trying to play with my hand (or the keys?), and I remember making a fist to prevent him from scratching me (or getting the keys). The kitten was playing with a large, red, open, empty duffel bag that was laying on the floor - running in and out of it, and having a gay old time. The white cat jumped up onto the bed with me, and came onto the red pillow and lay down across my arm. She (or he) came right up to my face, and I could feel her breath and the moist coldness of her nose on my face. In the dream I thought, Are these spirits? And I woke up.
Mini astral event or not? Okay, Bernie. I'm reading Week One today.